RPA Technologies
RPA has developed from software originally used for automated software testing. Instead that people searching for bugs this was done by proprietary developed software. This is done by simulating human and use of graphical interfaces. That lead to idea that simulating human activity with computers could be useful in automating routine work and repetitive simple tasks. Computers can do such tasks faster and better.
RPA is becoming widely adopted in last few years. It could be also due to very mixed results of heavily propagated digital transformation. Namely, digitalisation frequently brings further complexity in already demanding business environment. Changes must be done alongside everyday business which is leading to additional pressure and frustration. Results are typically long term and sometimes uncertain. RPA is different.
RPA provides clear promises and relevant results. Performance of RPA tools is increasing very fast. RPA is no more only about automating simple tasks but is also capable of handling very complex processes on various applications and interfaces. Robots are both faster and more precise and solutions are increasingly efficient. All activities are traced so mistakes are easily identified and removed.
RPA is employee friendly because it creates additional time that can be used for more productive activities.
RPA implementation is not a simple task. There are many challenges. Botera assists companies in finding fast and efficient solutions. We do understand that ROI must be delivered in months, not years.
Namestitev RPA orodja
Možnosti namestitve RPA orodja sta lokalno ali v oblaku. Vsaka od rešitev ima svoje prednosti. Namestitev v oblaku zagotavlja veliko fleksibilnost in nižje stroške strojne opreme, Na zahtevo uporabnika je možna tudi lokalna namestitev.
Nadzorovan in nenadzorovan način dela
Naši roboti niso vidni, a je mogoče spremljati, kako delajo. V nadzorovanem načinu izgleda njihovo delo, kot bi za računalnikom bil človek. Le da delo teče zelo, zelo hitro in neprestano.
Pri nenadzorovanem načinu roboti delajo, toda ni jih mogoče opazovati pri delu. V obeh načinih je mogoče po potrebi vse aktivnosti robota kasneje pregledati. To zagotavlja poseben, visok standard zagotavljanja varnosti pred nepooblaščenimi posegi v podatke.