Why RPA?
Simple deployment, fast results, improved security
With Robotic Process Automation repetitive tasks are instead by employees done by robots. Employees engagement is shifted to management and support of robots, assisting them in problem solving and complex issues. Employees assume new roles related to management of digital workforce.
RPA is introduced without changes of established processes and IT solutions. Usually processes are automated only partially, so RPA is used only on tasks that can better be done by robot.
RPA is simpler, more cost effective and faster form of automation. Implementation is fast and simple because RPA is using the same systems and interfaces as employee does. Tasks done by RPA are completely traceable, all activities are recorded. That provides highest possible data security and protection, notably those related to risks deriving from human insight into sensitive or personal data.
RPA has alternatives: complete system integration, replacement of existing software and applications, fundamental change of existing processes. This approach had however proven to be time consuming, has negative influence on everyday work, cost is always higher than originally foreseen, employees are dissatisfied and frustrated… All this can seriously damage company ability to compete in core competencies and destroy established advantages.
Opposite to that RPA does not interfere with established internal processes and resources, implementation is not invasive, results are transparent and measurable. Since it is typically quite hard to estimate complete time loss related to routine tasks, level of savings deriving from RPA frequently come as a major surprise.
Digitalna Transformation is a Long Term Project with Potentially Devastating Results
RPA is simple, fast and effective digitalisation
Digital transformation is understood as magical way of organisational performance improvement. However fundamental digital transformation is a long term change that has frequently damaging everyday effects on business. Improvement is very rarely expected on short run. Companies are squeezed between requirements of immediate results improvement and long term and sustainable business development. Digital transformation is necessary but also complex and risky.
RPA can be seen as "micro" digital transformation. One with major results.
It does not necessarily change processes and does not require involvement of all employees. It provides fast results since it only takes a few months. Automated are simple tasks - but such tasks are usually very time consuming. Cost and expected savings are clear. Also speed, quality and transparence of work done is substantially increased.
RPA can bring major benefits to small and medium companies
Case in small construction company: administrative proces that was taking up to 24 hours per week and was done by two employees was reduced to 2 hours per week. RPA implementation was done in 7 weeks; in 3 weeks RPA was introduces and rest of time was used to supervise results. ROI was less than 4 months.
SOURCE: [blog.workfusion.com]